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Royal Connections

​​The family has connections to the Royal Houses of Europe through a number of its ancestral lines.​


The simplest to explain is the connection via Lt. Col. Thomas Ligon to King Edward I of England, and from him to Malcolm III Canmore, King of Scotland, and from his wife, Saint Margaret of Scotland, to the Saxon Kings of England



Lt. Col. Thomas Ligon's father was Thomas Lygon, who married Elizabeth Pratt

His father was Thomas Lygon of Elliston, who married Frances Dennis

His father, William Lygon of Madresfield, Esquire, married Eleanor Dennis

Her father, Sir William Dennis, married Anne Berkeley

Her father, Sir Maurice 3rd Lord Berkeley, married Isabel Meade

His father, Sir James "The Just" de Berkeley, 1st Lord Berkeley, married Isabel Mowbray

Her father, Sir Thomas Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk,  married Elizabeth FitzAlan

His father, John 4th Lord Mowbray, married Elizabeth de Segrave

Her father, John 4th Baron de Segrave, married Margaret Marshall Plantagenet, Duchess of Norfolk

Her father, Thomas of Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk, married Alice Hayles

His father was Edward I, King of England, who married Princess Marguerite de France (daughter of Philippe III, King of France)

His father was Henry III, King of England, who married Eleanor of Provence

His father was John I, King of England, who married Isabella d'Angoulême

His father was Henry II, King of England, who married Eleanor Duchess of Aquitaine

His father was Geoffrey Plantagenet, Duke of Normandy, Count of Anjou and Maine, who married Matilda of England

Her father was Henry I, King of England (son of William the Conqueror, the 1st Norman King of England), who married Editha of Scotland

Her father was Malcom III Canmore, King of Scotland, who married Saint Margaret of Scotland

Her father was Edward "Atheling", who married Agatha of Kiev

His father was Edmund II "Ironside", King of England, last King of the Saxon House of Wessex, who married Ealdgyth


This line connects back to:

The Kings of France

The Kings of Spain

The Kings of Portugal

Charlemagne, the first Holy Roman Emperor

The Merovingian Dynasty, which preceeded Charlemagne

and the Kings of most other European nations


There are other similar connections via Capt. Thomas Harris

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